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Vue Toast - Flowbite

Push notifications to your users using the toast component and choose from multiple sizes, colors, styles, and positions

The toast component can be used to enhance your website’s interactivity by pushing notifications to your visitors. You can choose from multiple styles, colors, sizes, and positions and even dismiss the component.


    You've unlocked achievement.
  <fwb-toast color="yellow">
    Improve password difficulty.
  <fwb-toast color="green">
    Item moved successfully.
  <fwb-toast color="red">
    Item has been deleted.

<script setup>
import { FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'
    You've unlocked achievement.
  <fwb-toast color="yellow">
    Improve password difficulty.
  <fwb-toast color="green">
    Item moved successfully.
  <fwb-toast color="red">
    Item has been deleted.

<script setup>
import { FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'


  <fwb-toast dismissable>
    You've unlocked achievement.

<script setup>
import { FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'
  <fwb-toast dismissable>
    You've unlocked achievement.

<script setup>
import { FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'


  <fwb-toast divide>
    You've unlocked achievement.

<script setup>
import { FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'
  <fwb-toast divide>
    You've unlocked achievement.

<script setup>
import { FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'


  <fwb-toast alignment="start" dismissable>
    <template #icon>
        alt="Jese Leos image" class="w-8 h-8 rounded-full shadow-lg" src="avatar.jpg">
    <span class="mb-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Jese Leos</span>
    <div class="mb-2 text-sm font-normal">
      Hi Neil, thanks for sharing your thoughts regarding Flowbite.
    <fwb-button size="xs" href="#">

<script setup>
import { FwbButton, FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'
  <fwb-toast alignment="start" dismissable>
    <template #icon>
        alt="Jese Leos image" class="w-8 h-8 rounded-full shadow-lg" src="avatar.jpg">
    <span class="mb-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Jese Leos</span>
    <div class="mb-2 text-sm font-normal">
      Hi Neil, thanks for sharing your thoughts regarding Flowbite.
    <fwb-button size="xs" href="#">

<script setup>
import { FwbButton, FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'


  <fwb-toast alignment="start" dismissable>
      <template #icon>
        <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-5 h-5" fill="#ffff" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
          <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4 2a1 1 0 011 1v2.101a7.002 7.002 0 0111.601 2.566 1 1 0 11-1.885.666A5.002 5.002 0 005.999 7H9a1 1 0 010 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1V3a1 1 0 011-1zm.008 9.057a1 1 0 011.276.61A5.002 5.002 0 0014.001 13H11a1 1 0 110-2h5a1 1 0 011 1v5a1 1 0 11-2 0v-2.101a7.002 7.002 0 01-11.601-2.566 1 1 0 01.61-1.276z" fill-rule="evenodd" />
      <span class="mb-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Update available</span>
      <div class="mb-2 text-sm font-normal">
        A new software version is available for download.
      <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2">
        <fwb-button size="xs">
        <fwb-button size="xs" color="alternative">
          Not now

<script setup>
import { FwbButton, FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'
  <fwb-toast alignment="start" dismissable>
      <template #icon>
        <svg aria-hidden="true" class="w-5 h-5" fill="#ffff" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
          <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4 2a1 1 0 011 1v2.101a7.002 7.002 0 0111.601 2.566 1 1 0 11-1.885.666A5.002 5.002 0 005.999 7H9a1 1 0 010 2H4a1 1 0 01-1-1V3a1 1 0 011-1zm.008 9.057a1 1 0 011.276.61A5.002 5.002 0 0014.001 13H11a1 1 0 110-2h5a1 1 0 011 1v5a1 1 0 11-2 0v-2.101a7.002 7.002 0 01-11.601-2.566 1 1 0 01.61-1.276z" fill-rule="evenodd" />
      <span class="mb-1 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-white">Update available</span>
      <div class="mb-2 text-sm font-normal">
        A new software version is available for download.
      <div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-2">
        <fwb-button size="xs">
        <fwb-button size="xs" color="alternative">
          Not now

<script setup>
import { FwbButton, FwbToast } from 'flowbite-vue'

Released under the MIT License.